Jun 17, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Looking forward to your book talk. How about Politics and Prose bookstore in DC?

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I promise to bombard readers of this site with info about all of my book readings early next year, stand by.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

My routine when a new HamNo post drops:

1) Read the title and the first line: "Rather than trying to wrap our heads around every sprawling and arcane intricacy of capitalism, sometimes it is easier to just grasp a single piece of it—and once that piece is understood, every other door is opened, and the entire brutal artifice is laid bare."

2) Immediately hit the "like" button like I'm buzzing in on Jeopardy

3) Read the rest

4) Go to the comment section and nod vigorously while reading the comments

5) Leave a comment about how much this fucking rocks

I'm taking a couple of writing classes this month after a writing hiatus of thirty years to focus on sending emails. But I think I learn more from reading these posts than I do anything else. The turns of phrase. Incredible. Put up pre-order for that book already! Have a good weekend.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

“A company does not exist to manufacture cars or sell food or give valuable advice to clients; a company exists to put money into the pockets of the people running the company.” 10/10 🎯 Eat them.

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Every once in awhile I completely agree with you Hamilton.

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Admit it Sue.... you agree with me all of the time.

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In your dreams! LOL! But on the subject of executive pay you really nailed it - though you didn't really mention how the capitalists managed to structure the rules so that executives get paid for maximizing shareholder returns at any cost.

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Union leaders are often not aligned with the worker interests and are also part of the problem. A workers union run by the workers with the workers voting for their union brothers and sisters with assistance from accountants and lawyers ought to be the approach for workers.

Any worker led union leadership must tie productivity gains into wages, benefits and more leisure time.

Any worker led union leadership must be one union that is not split based upon management's definition of a labor pool. Machinists, clerical, floor labor, drivers are the same part of the labor pool in a job setting. They earn different hourly rates based upon supply and demand factors, experience, etc., so negotiated differently but at the same time are negotiated simultaneously.

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Open the books! But that'll never happen. The ruling class limits the overall dollars made available to the public, just as Israel under-rations the number of calories all of Palestine will get to eat today. This is the game we play.

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Good article. Important.

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How come they don't let you run the company, if it's so easy? Serious question. Also, if it's "because you're an unconventional rebel!", well, um, yeah.

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Well said, non-executive don't work any less. The only thing they have lesser are the number of meetings. But, I would happily do more meetings to get paid more (>_<)

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