
I'm getting worried Hamilton - I'm agreeing with you too often! Excellent and badly needed piece.

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" Cornel West is not going to do anything except to damage his own reputation."

It's possible that he could energize ballot access drives for the Greens in a way that makes 2028 interesting.

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What might kill Biden are the voters who voted him in 2020 just to get Trump out of office and think he has been a complete failure. Plenty of us just won't vote.

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So the people who felt so strongly about getting Trump out will not put in the minimal effort to keep him out? That's some seriously messed up thinking.

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After seeing Biden and the Democrats thoroughly repudiate the 70% of Americans who are either poor or barely making enough to survive, a Biden/Trump match up looks quite different now. Trump as a fascistic threat? The Democrats are a fascistic threat. They're currently starting WW3 and forced social media companies to remove antiwar posts and comments. I know, it happened to me on FB last year. A simple antiwar poem wouldn't post. No explanation given.

I voted Biden in 2020 and I'm voting Cornel West in 2024. I truly do not care if that means Trump wins. I'm so sick of self-righteous, rich Democrats who do all the bad things Republicans do but pretend they're somehow different because they "embrace minorities". As if a black female CEO uplifts poor black females who can't feed their kids. As if AOC stands for anything anymore. The Democrats have turned into a joke.

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You're kidding, right? Your whole post is an absolute joke, completely divorced from reality.

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I'm sorry, what? Tell me how it is "divorced from reality"?

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"seeing Biden and the Democrats thoroughly repudiate the 70% of Americans who are either poor or barely making enough to survive" ???

"The Democrats are a fascistic threat" ???

"currently starting WW3" ???

"forced social media companies to remove antiwar posts and comments" ???

"self-righteous, rich Democrats who do all the bad things Republicans do" ???

You're out of your damn mind.

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Everything Rachel said is objectively factual, and your only response is to call her crazy, because you are a member of a cult, the Democrat Cult, and all who disagree must be purged, canceled, shunned, eliminated.

You Democrats have dived so deep into the loony cult pool that you make the Jehovah's Witnesses look somewhat reasonable, which is saying something.

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"Biden has no challenge from the left this time around." Hamilton, I'm surprised that you ignore Marianne Williamson. No, there is no credible scenario in which she wins the nomination, but those who write her off as simply a self-help guru are not paying sufficient attention. Go to her website. It is a thoroughly detailed left program. She supported Bernie after she dropped out in 2020 and her policy proposals are congruent with his. It does not matter that she has no chance of winning, a presidential primary is an opportunity to get attention for progressive policies. She should be supported.

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In terms of votes she is highly unlikely to be a factor in this election. Also her campaign is widely reported to be in chaos.

There is a bigger conversation to be had about the value of left wing third party candidates but we'll save that for a future date.

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But again, it is not a question of her likelihood "to be a factor" in terms of votes, but rather the opportunity her campaign affords to present a left-wing alternative. Also, she is not a "third party" candidate. She is campaigning within the Democratic primary and will not be a factor in the general election. I think the reluctance of some on the left to offer her support is due to her promotion of ideas in the "non-materialist" realm, but whatever one thinks of that it is not what her campaign is grounded in. Her policy proposals are clearly socialistic.

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In fairness to Hamilton, this piece was about the threat of a spoiler candidate causing a Repub win. MW isn't that. You're right about her policies, some/most of them are pretty great. But she won't be a factor in the election and thus did not have any reason to be included in this article.

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"Ron Klain, Biden’s former chief of staff, did enough outreach to the left wing of the party to see to it that working with Biden has been a more productive use of time for them than plotting to knock him off. "

I would like to read more about this, as I can't recall articles about Klain and his approach to the party's left in publications like the NY Times or Wa. Post. Can you provide references?

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When Ronald Klain was Chief of Staff, he likely was the absolute smartest person employed by the federal government. That he did something prescient like this is completely on brand.

Happen to be good friends with his ex-sister-in-law and she's told a few stories about how smart he is (if RK ever goes on Jeopardy do not bet against him).

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Can't we all just decide to take Cornel West seriously? He's got 'riz for days and good politics, plus he's a Man of God, don't Americans love that?

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Cornel West 2024. Anti-war in Ukraine. Pro-Palestine. Anti-corporate. Biggest priority is helping poor Americans.

I'd call that a formidable challenge from the left.

It's easy to infer people's economic circumstances by their political opinions.

Only those who are financially secure are still advocating for Democrats. The rest of us have had enough.

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"But you might as well stress over the right things, not the wrong ones."

is your next column gonna be about those things? inquiring minds and all.

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"...who is a full-on conspiracy loon."

Aside from Biden, who isn't at this stage of the game?

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the “neither left nor right, but actually right” crowd

Also known as the "I'm doing fine, don't change a thing" crowd.

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