This is THE BEST thing I have ever read about this man -- and it reads like a monologue from my new favorite movie (which is half NETWORK, half RAGING BULL). This piece deserves to go viral as hell. And I will personally tell both my followers to read it.

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Okay, I've subscribed. You won this motherfucker over.

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Fantastic! As a therapist, I find myself using a similar strategy, and it works brilliantly.

Now, if everyone could get on the same page. What's your process for sharing this strategy with the journalism community, especially those employed by major publications?

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they are unreachable...They kow FULL WELL what our criticisms of them are...The fact that they won't even acknowledge that the criticisms exist is both telling and chilling...By not even acknowledging that the criticisms exist, they don't have to defend themselves...It's surreal

THAT being said, the interviewer you wat is Hassan Mehta...That guy is a fortress!

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"What people want, more than food and water and sex and drugs, is a purpose. They will attach themselves to all sorts of deranged things in order to feel like they are fulfilling that purpose — that they are a part of something meaningful. Donald Trump provided that for a very large number of people, and that fact alone should make all of us disappointed in this country. America has always seen its people as a means to an end, the end being money or war. It has never bothered to provide a mass purpose beyond that. Into that void stepped MAGA world, just the latest religion promising an explanation for our confused existence." Very grateful to have found you and be able to support your work in a small way - the salve of sanity.

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I didn't watch, but hot damn this is poetry 🙌

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No one wants to work the body, patiently and without end. Prime JL Castillo shit

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Absolutely brilliant. Once again so happy you have a substack now, Hamilton!

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Wonderful. I'd die to see it.

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I really enjoy your writing style and how you synthesized the information. I agree wholeheartedly in your strategy but feel that the only time this type of interview would work is in a courtroom..... although he would just plead the 5th and move on.

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If Xenophon was Socrates’ most faithful student and Plato his best student, one can imagine many other lesser but still good students. Though their dialogues didn’t survive, having little of substance to offer future generations, they were probably a blast to read. This was a blast to read in exactly that sense. It is unsubtle and probably misguided and misguiding, but a cathartic imaginary exercise nonetheless. Well done.

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Finally! Somebody gets it! I wrote about this same technique a while back. It is the ONLY way to handle the BS firehose. https://open.substack.com/pub/jimryan/p/one-lie-at-a-time-please?r=4itqb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Best thing I've ever read.

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Kudos to you, Hamilton !!

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A few points...

Trump’s eyelids are not painted but pale from being covered in the tanning bed. FWIW and who cares anyway, except that facts and truth matter.

I think a great question is to ask Trump why his nonsense answer is in any way responsive.

And if anyone’s wondering (or cares), absolutely CNN is *that* desperate to attract an audience.

All that said, the problem with the post is that the odds of Trump being willing to be interviewed by someone who would question him as described is negligible, probably less. Likewise re anyone in the mainstream being interested in being that person. The mainstream loves Trump because he enriches them. They couldn’t even bring themselves to report his complete unfitness for office, a situation that continues to today and odds are for the future.

Bonus: Trump’s only two or three years younger than Biden and, if elected in 2024, will have his 80th while in office.

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"Likewise re anyone in the mainstream being interested in being that person"

Hassan Mehta...He would tear Trump an new asshole

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As always, an exception proves the rule. Hassan’s an outlier.

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exactly right...He IS the exception that proves the rule...The first time you see him interview someone your first reaction is why aren't ALL journalists doing this...Its GLARING in contrast...He is a REAL keeper....

Another thing I'd love to see is Dan Froomkin running the NYT or the WaPo

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You still don't get how stupid and angry and lost his supporters are. The interviewer will simply be portrayed as a woke bully. You still don't get how much they HATE and resent people who are smarter or better educated than them. You just don't.

I once walked into a convenience store and the middle-aged white woman clerk was on the phone. She was clearly talking to someone, a friend or family member about someone in the hospital with an illness the doctors hadn't nailed down yet. She said "Yeah well, them know it all doctors with their fancy book learnin' just think they're better than everybody. I probably know more than they do".

THAT stupid, ok? They're miserable with their sad, broken down lives, and they've been trained to blame people like you for it. You can't imagine the hatred they have for you-the educated from their fancy, woke colleges, the progressives who, they think, look down their noses at them. Anything you do to change that will just result in them hating you more, resenting you more, and loving Trump more.

What you're describing will result in more support and worship for Trump. That's it.

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Totally agree with this. It is literally about owning the educated.

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The issue is that there’s a very small overlap between Professional Pundits and people who understand WWE. Journalists, who write about & live inside the world of liberal democracy, do not have the flexibility, insight, or sense of humor to do anything other than say “But sir,” and be piledrived off of a ladder.

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