Nov 10, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Thank you for this post. We are one human race.

Readers might be interested in this piece regarding debunking myths, written in 2014.


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Thanks Hamilton. You keep on surprising me week after week. Some statements should be added to the declaration of what is to be a human being. Pure poetry, such as:

'We are not just individuals who have to look out for ourselves in this cold world. We are all part of a whole. We are all in the same boat. We are brothers and sisters. We are going to help one another. I will support you, and you will support me, and we will both support people in other places who we don’t even know, because we recognize that we are all, in an important way, the same.'

Fully agree with you. Keep on writing mate. You are doing a good job!

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Great post. I agree. We are all in this together and we must defend and protect each other.

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Thank you so much Hamilton for this brilliantly human piece. Voices like yours are a lifeline to sanity and humanity in these insanely inhumane times. It is really hard to believe that so many people can be blind to the genocide taking place, and further, what this will mean for the future of international law, which is also witnessing its own demise.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Yours, mine, and many people's hearts are heavy from what is happening. It's tragic on so many levels and has been going on for far too long. We need so many systemic changes. My heart just hurts right now. Sending out love and thoughts for peace and safety for everyone. May all leaders of society be possessed with the compassion for humanity that is needed in these times.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan


Here's some good news from the week that I helped accomplish (along with many other people).

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What a fine piece of journalism this is. Thank you for writing it.

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Thank you, Hamilton.

We cannot sanction Hamas; nor can we sanction the killing of children anytime, anywhere.

Here is a podcast I am listening to in hopes of learning more.

I know killing children is never justified.

The time to learn doesn’t weaken my resolve for peace.


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I have a deep regard for the institution of journalism and journalists by extension, but I think you’re missing one very basic ethic.

Imbedding with genocidal maniacs planning to slaughter and kidnap civilians so you can make bank selling the images is the worst imaginable profiteering.

How is that different from being an observer in the room when the Nazis were planning the Final Solution?

Should “just following orders” be a defense?

And how many of those journalists were killed in their homes day one? Israel gave them two weeks of warning to get to safety. If you were killed in the first day or two you are a victim. If you were killed after still being there in week two, you are culpable.

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This comment does not indicate to me that you have a deep regard for journalism or journalists, or humanity in general.

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I have a deep regard for the right of all people to live without bomb shelters in their building codes.

You don’t have to be Jewish to support their right to one small piece of dirt. I do. Apparently you do not.

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A journalist covering a war zone is analogous to a Nazi planning a genocide? You’re a moron.

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Not what I said. Try reading more slowly.

I referenced an “observer” learning of war crimes before they are committed. These “journalists” were profiteers covering war crimes they may have prevented had they any ethics. Who invited them in? Maybe they are working for the Hamas version of Goebbels. Did you consider that?

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The reason you have to invent these villains like the Hamas version of Goebbels and the profiteer journalists is because you know in your heart this ongoing campaign of murder is wrong but for whatever reason can't admit that to yourself.

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Hello Saul Alinsky. Gazans invading Israel and raping and killing every civilian they found is an invention?

Deny deny deny.

Accuse your enemy of doing what you are doing.

Governments exist to protect people and property. When one government attacks another’s people, the blowback on the citizenry is on the hands of their warring government.

How else should it be?

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Most of them live in Gaza. No one invited them in.

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Then they are Hamas. Got it.

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deletedNov 10, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan
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I only impugn the “journalists” who found making money off of war crimes more important than heading them off.

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There is a lack of disinformation and a lot in dispute. What is not in dispute is that there were “journalists“ who went in with the barbarians on their mission to slaughter innocents. And I am talking about the attack of October 7. I cannot imagine anyone knowing an attack like that was happening who would not warn somebody, but choose instead to catch footage for profit, or any other reason, other than possibly to use against the attackers and place it into evidence.

It honestly feels like we are living in parallel universes. Innocents were slaughtered in the most agregious ways imaginable, and apparently the hard left in this country has no problem with that and wants all the focus on changing the narrative and making the Gazans into the victims. When a smart guy like Hamilton is pushing the Hamas narrative, we’re in trouble.

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You are conflating the “journalists” for whom Hamilton was shedding tears, specifically the ones who traveled along with the marauders, and my asserting that maybe they weren’t truly independent journalists but in fact propaganda tools of Hamas.

My question is whether it’s proper to declare a journalistic standard that whether journalist or propagandist you deserve protection when you went along with an attack and failed to stop the attack or warn the victims.

And it doesn’t say much for Humanism when you say essentially that the Jews are “big boys” who should just get over it and the world should pivot to giving deference to the Islamofascists bent on a “river to the sea” final solution and elimination of the Jews.

I’m stunned that so many of my fellow Western men and women are so opposed to Jews living in peace in one tiny piece of land, free from rockets raining and women and babies slaughtered and kidnapped.

Where’s your humanity!

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deletedNov 10, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan
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I know that CPJ is keeping an updated list, that is the best place to check as far as I know.

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