Shawn Fein and crew work hard but they are also incredibly strategic. Hats off!

I hope they are stunningly victorious in the auto industry, and that other sectors will be inspired and seize their unionizing power in similar ways. We need to take back our power in these ruthless times.

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Apr 16Liked by Hamilton Nolan

I’m organizing a nascent union drive at my work on N. Carolina, and this is giving me strength today!

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Apr 16Liked by Hamilton Nolan

"strike while the iron is hot" and "do the thing instead of talking about doing the thing" sounds like sound advice here. Up the union!

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Apr 15Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Right on!

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Thank you Hamilton. We paupers have a lot to combat, and sometimes words is all we can afford for a breastplate. If we had more of yours, what a bulwark that would be.

Management will yet appreciate that the means of production is the people who produce. Freedom, equality, brotherhood.

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Apr 15Liked by Hamilton Nolan

This is exactly right.

When I volunteer in my spare free time from being a high school teacher for my neighborhood association (so they don't do NIMBY stuff, so they are pressuring our city council on racial/economic justice issues) or volunteer as a board member in my kid's daycare (because we're a co-op and a lot of the families are low-income and so I definitely don't need them to volunteer and I also definitely want my kid to be in a diverse daycare), I see people like me who are already doing public service and are already in a union burning themselves out. And I refuse to do it! I keep asking my association and my co-op board: how can we get more people involved, at a level that works for them? How can we take work off of the association president, off of the board president, so it's a job that people feel like they can do and not be destroyed by it? And so I also hope Fain is practicing that distributed leadership and also preparing to not be leader at some point, so he can continue a movement rather than letting it start and stop with him.

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"Focus on the donut, not the hole" - David lynch

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I really wish that CWA would get the hint and start fucking trying with the cell carriers. I couldn’t even get local CWA people to talk to me.

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Since you mentioned video games, do you follow game company union efforts? They’ve been gaining a ton of steam lately but are still really spread out and singular, though workers at bigger and bigger companies like Sega and Activision are starting to get in on it. Worth adding to your coverage if they keep picking up I think.

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