May 21, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Conservatives would prefer to absolutely dominate a poorer society than have slightly less power in a more equitable but wealthier society.

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From an emotional standpoint, the returns on accumulating cash and assets diminish sharply at a certain threshold. It's just more on the pile that you wouldn't notice if it was gone. For the kind of psycho who aspires to be a billionaire, it's the thrill of ravaging and ruining human lives that gets them up in the morning, and it never dulls for them.

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Besides waiting on congress and state legislatures, do you think there is a way at a grass roots level to counter captive meetings? Like email everyone who is victim to a meeting and share the truth about unions? Also how much money do companies like amazon and Starbucks spend to fight unionization? Thag always blows me away. And also costco pays their workers a decent wage so theres less turnover. Why cant other companies follow suit? Isn’t high turnover incredibly expensive?

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Yes well organized union drives do "inoculation" against these lies and routinely will have workers stand up and talk in captive audience meetings and call out lies. It's very possible it just takes strong organizing.

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It's always fun to remember that Barack Obama had almost two years of a filibuster-proof Democratic Senate and a huge majority in the house, and that asshole spent every ounce of political capital he had getting the Mitt Romney/Heritage Foundation health care plan established nationally. Not card check, not a minimum wage hike, not universal single-payer or a public option, not codifying Roe, not a single fucking thing that would have given workers power and agency. And here we are.

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It's nice to hear about a win even though this nasty shit will never end.

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Fuck yea

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