“Donald Trump’s base is a statistical minority of the Republican Party. Their inability to outmaneuver him is perhaps the first time in history that Republicans have failed to figure out a way to persecute a minority” 😂😂😂😂😂

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Absolute gold.

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Chef's kiss right there!

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"Donald Trump’s base is a statistical minority of the Republican Party. Their inability to outmaneuver him is perhaps the first time in history that Republicans have failed to figure out a way to persecute a minority." Thanks for a badly needed laugh this morning.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

"Watching candidates flood into the Republican primary and do their little campaign simulacrums and strenuously pretend that they will be able to dislodge Trump from their party without ever saying a bad word about him—by outsourcing all Trump criticism to Chris fucking Christie, of all people, my god—is one of the most pathetic spectacles I ever hope to witness."

Fucking A right.

Also, one of the things that is painfully obvious to me is how many of the Rs running are deluded, grifting, or deluded grifters. They know they can't win but why should they listen to the party when the party is doomed by changing demographics and absolutely bereft of ideas? If my coastal Florida mcmansion is going to be destroyed by hurricanes and flooding eventually, why shouldn't I stop paying for insurance and turn it in to several unlicensed airbnbs while cooking meth in the basement? I deserve to enjoy myself while the world ends...

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

I mean, even the Governor of North Dakota is getting into the race. Nothing against North Dakota, which I knew was constitutionally required to have a governor, but who has even heard of this guy? How self-deluded can he be?

What amuses me about the GOP, and there ain't much that does, is how it cannot even run itself. How many times over the last fifty years has some crackpot movement or individual chased out or rendered immaterial existing formal leadership?

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Anyone who doesn’t see this coming is like Charlie Brown lining up to kick the football.

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"Their inability to outmaneuver him is perhaps the first time in history that Republicans have failed to figure out a way to persecute a minority."

HAHAHA! for the win

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We're still pretending that there are never-Trump or even non-Trump Republicans? I thought 94% of Republicans voting for Trump in 2020 (https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/) put that to bed despite what the grifters at the Lincoln Project claimed. I'd also have thought Republicans always finding an excuse to side with Trump during his presidency would have shown that never-Trumpers don't actually exist.

If you think Biden definitely beats Trump in 2024, well the electoral college still exists. And, we'll have to disagree on how popular fast-tracking the Mountain Valley Pipeline, adding work requirements for TANF & food assistance, undermining the railroad unions, and the rest of Biden's presidency have been.

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I'm personally voting for him. Doesn't make me right but sure Doesn't make me wrong. And this thing of making people out to be terrorists, nazi's or whatever, just because they have different opinions or beliefs is getting really old. I'm not saying what I think is the true n if you don't think the same thing then your a bunch of what I think about Biden, and he has done a lot of things he shouldn't and will probably get away with. People need to do their own research and make their own decisions not what we are told to believe.

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The OKC bombing, 9/11, and 1/6 were all acts of terrorism. If you were involved with them, you’re a terrorist. If you think people who were involved are political prisoners, or that holding them to account is some kind of persecution, you’re a terrorist sympathizer.

If you just think our taxes or immigration levels should be lower, then you’re not.

There’s a difference. This isn’t hard.

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023

"unless he drops dead" seems to leave out the possibility of a jail sentence. Maybe all 10 other candidates are getting in to hedge against the possibility that Trump won't be available to serve.

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Even if Donnie were to somehow lose this fascist popularity contest called the Repugnican primary he’ll run as a 3rd party candidate. His primary income seems to be campaign contributions so he’ll be running for president until he’s in the ground (hopefully buried face-down).

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As a leftist (i.e. NOT a Democrat), I don't see the difference between Trump and Biden. Unless you want to argue that saying bad things out loud is worse than doing bad things, there's absolutely no difference. I voted for Biden and I deeply regret it. My former Democrat friends have gone blind, cheering for war and nuclear Armageddon. Biden did nothing, absolutely nothing, to help working people. Trump did nothing either, but Biden was the one who promised me he would raise the minimum wage. He promised families would be helped financially. He promised a whole bunch of economic reforms that he completely abandoned, and instead is leading a party who is arming Nazis in Ukraine to defend a region who has voted overwhelmingly multiple times to NOT BE PART OF UKRAINE.

So I'm kinda tired of Trump alarmism.

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👆cute but utterly obtuse commentary from the Party OF slavery about the Party formed to end slavery, the party that chooses teacher union interests over poor minority kids with religious determination, and the Party owned by their abortion profiteers founded to cheque minorities by aborting their babies.

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I wouldn't have thought DeSantis would concede that much ground. Seems like he's grinded against Trump in some areas, while also picking off a few from his base

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Smoke is bothering my eyes so I am having the weird experience here of crying.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Thank you for putting it so clearly is what I meant to say. I am crying and it's strange because it's from smoke but I realize I have been wanting to cry this whole time and it's fitting to do this to this column. Remember when that might have been 'a little much' as a response? Now there's no response that's enough but this is fitting at least.

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Barnacles = word of the day 🤨🧐

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Ego is inevitable.

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