Oct 7, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

I hope more people start standing up for the future instead of falling for the con.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Great article. To many working class fall for the anti union shite pushed by the right. Republicans, Tesla, starbuck's, Amazon are all afraid of unions for one thing,they know they make the working man powerful!

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Hamilton Nolan

Actually, my latest old fart theory is a slight Arian on Hamilton’s thesis here.

I think our masters don’t give a shit about doing what needs to be done because they can easily enough afford to mitigate the harm they might suffer personally while the masses’ stress dealing the effects of global warming would in turn make them yet more compliant.

Yes, maybe I’m too cynical, but maybe not.

As for calling JD Vance a fucking worthless, lying piece of shit, I have to note that doesn’t make him special. It’s practical to presume that all Republicans are fucking worthless, lying pieces of shit. When you get to the point of saying Vance is particularly a fucking worthless, lying piece of shit, you’re wasting time.

Would have been great to have had a real opposition party the last forty+ years...

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You nailed it!

And there's a class issue that we have to get beyond, and I say that as a working class person who's been involved with the very middle class environmental movement most of my adult life. I'm not sure how we do that, because it's tough, but we have to.

And you're so right: it's not either environment or good jobs, it's both.

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Agree there can be a class issue in terms of who tends to be in activist groups. But the more that the green economy gets unionized, the more that will fade away I think.

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I certainly hope so. It's such a waste of energy. I've always been on both sides, and it's been very frustrating.

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A great read on a related note: https://libertiesjournal.com/articles/the-future-of-nature/

"Compare the earthly gains of heavy regulation to the earthly costs of light regulation or no regulation at all, and the hit that American capitalists must take for the good of the earth will seem stupendously slight ... Anyway, isn’t existence good for business?"

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Well said Hamilton. We can see your passion when you talk about the bloody bastards. Keep on the right path, honesty and decency are not negotiable. Take care.

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The link to your 2015 Gawker article cited above (https://www.gawker.com/there-are-only-two-issues-1744172647) is now reporting a 404. I had occasion to cite this article in my own blog last year (https://jamesekeenan.substack.com/p/five-months-in-five-months-up). It would be great if you could salvage this article from the Gawker memory hole.

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Ahh yes, JD Vance. "I'm a very wealthy man, but please believe I'm just like you because I too look like I've been kicked in the dick most of my life." And also "You voted for the pro-union human being instead of our orange god, and now we're going to blame him for all the wealth the corporations have been stealing from you." What a dude.

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"Your union should be advocating for you to keep getting Black Lung" is certainly a unique take.

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